04 February 2008

I'm Back!

I've been lost in techy land for the last couple of weeks. I have been working to set up this domain and also Google Apps. I followed the directions over and over and nothing would take. I finally gave up and transfered my domain from Yahoo to Godaddy and everything I had been working on for weeks only took a couple of hours. Hmmmm - sounds like Yahoo and Microsoft are made for each other.

Also - my law of attraction confession - I went swimming in a very cold pool of self-pity on New Year's Eve and did not shake it off for a few weeks - and I managed to attract more viruses in January than I have in the last 5 years combined. Think there's a connection?

So, I'm back - rested and healthy and healed. I will be spending alot of February working on the technical side of this blog and website - hopefully there will be some goodies on the site by March.

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